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Founder - Irina Kirezova

My name is Irina Kirezova. I was born on the 15th of July - "right at the top of the summer", and just 4 days before the opening of the 1980 Summer Olympics. Is that important?

Definitely. I have always wanted to participate in the Olympics myself one day. I got into sport, but due to a knee injury, a professional career was out of the question. Instead, I managed to win an academic olympiad that gave me the chance to leave my home town and study PR&Journalism at the Moscow Institute of International Relations - and, eventually, spend a few years studying abroad.

After graduating, I became a Public Relations (PR) specialist. In a way, I even managed to fulfil my dream of taking part in the Olympics: I've worked on the Organisation Committee Sochi 2014 Winter Olympics.

But, apparently, that wasn't enough for the "top of the summer": at the same time, I have raised three boys, took up mountain skiing, studied to become a professional sous-chef, and seriously thought about doing a PhD studying the second wave of Russian avant-garde art.

Suddenly, in March 2023, I felt a hard lump the size of a hazelnut in my left breast. My doctor looked at the mammography and ultrasound results, and reassured me that it was probably just a lump of fat.

The second opinion was less optimistic, suspecting a fibroadenoma. The third physician I saw decided to send be straight to a biopsy - and, underneath my fibroadenoma, they found four foci of invasive cancer in my mammary gland. Keeping my breast was not feasible - it had to be removed together with my lymph nodes, just 10 days after the biopsy. With a histological investigation showing metastases in the lymph nodes, I was prescribed eight courses of chemotherapy. My last one was on March 27th, 2024.

What helped me fight the disease?

In September of 2023, I woke up in the hospital after my mastectomy and facing 6 gruelling months of chemotherapy. I thought about what my life was going to be like after the operation: fashion has always been an important part of my life, but post-mastectomy bras and prosthetics were uncomfortable and severely restricted what clothes I could wear.

This is how I came up with the idea for NO REGRETS: a brand of accessories&lingerie specially designed for women who are fighting breast cancer.

We have the "Mare" collection for beach clothes. The "Life" series of flounces, patch pockets and accessories are comfortable to wear and look great with any outfit. "Born for love" - a collection of soft and lightweight pyjamas and specially designed post-surgery bras for wearing at home or in the hospital.

We are also launching the "Metamorphosis" collection - a series of unique accessories that are made by women with breast cancer. This initiative is done in partnership with charities and supports breast cancer community.

Working on NO REGRETS helped me beat breast cancer - now I hope that we can support the women who are fighting it now, while helping everyone look beautiful at every moment of their lives.

People often ask me: "How are you doing?"

That is a difficult question to answer. Sometimes, the pain is so bad that it makes me want to cry. Sometimes, you look in the mirror and don't recognize yourself without a wig. But then, a friend comes over and you laugh at a sitcom together. Your partner strokes your head and says that you look like a baby parrot - and you laugh again. Your youngest son says: "Mommy, I love you no matter what" - and you smile.

Also, there is so much to do! Trying to run my own business and raising awareness about breast cancer are new experiences for me. And I am infinitely grateful to everyone on the NO REGRETS team for making this difficult journey possible.
Maybe I am dreaming of an Olympic record again, but here are my plans for the next five years:

  • Raise awareness about breast cancer, making sure that women with breast cancer get a diagnosis as soon as possible and that all breast cancer patients get the support that they need
  • Support every woman who has to go through this experience - through supporting art therapy and other creative projects, and by designing and developing the "Metamorphosis" collection, which helps support the "Dalshe" foundation and its activities
  • Get large fashion brands to step up and start producing clothes for women who are facing breast cancer or had to undergo a mastectomy

There is a long way ahead, and I am always open to anyone who wants to work on it together. You can always call me, or drop me an email:

+43 681-2015-11-22

[email protected]

Let's beat breast cancer - together!